findings in the history include, but are not limited
- Family history of reading problems
- A predominant occurrence in males
(males to females 8:1)
- An average or above average IQ and,
not uncommonly, a proficiency in math
- No enjoyment of reading as a leisure
- Problems of letter and word reversal
- Developmental history of problems
in coordination and left/right dominance
- Poor visual memory for language symobols
- Auditory language difficulties in
word finding, fluency, meaning, or sequence
- Difficulty transferring information
from what is heard to what is seen and vice versa. Specific
reading problems associated with dyslexia include difficulty
in pronouncing new words, difficulty distinguishing
similarities and differences in words (no for on), and
difficulty discriminating differences in letter sound
(pin, pen). Other problems may include reversal of words
and letters, disorganization of word order, poor reading
comprehension, and difficulty applying what has been
read to social or learning situations.